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Welcome to the magic researchers of meaning

We have decided to name ourselves as “the magic researchers of meaning”. But, why? It sounds a bit strange, isn’t it? 

Nowadays, meaning is not really integrated in education. But, what is meaning? Attending to the Cambridge University: “The meaning of something is what it expresses or represents”. 

For us it is not only that. We think that meaning in education involves doing something relevant for children that includes their reality. Thus, meaningful activities are necessary to motivate children , involving themselves in something useful for their daily life.

Moreover, we think that being a teacher is not something magical. You won’t have a magic wand with which you will solve any doubt or problem. You won’t have anything magical to deal with the class. But, magic is a resource that is needed. Why? When doing activities you have to be creative, you have to include “magic” activities. That are activities that help children do things they have never before be capable of. That’s magic in a classroom. That’s what a magic teacher gets to do with lots of work.

To do all this we need five magic keys.

  1. The gift key.

  2. The generous key.

  3. The learning key.

  4. The heart key.

  5. The dialogue key.


Moreover, we have another key. The magical key to open all the doors. To forget about all the difficult situations. We have education. “Education is the main key to open all the doors”.

That’s why we need education. We want to follow our dreams in order to be capable of following our students dreams, because we think that educating is fighting, fighting for our dreams.

Furthermore, we need to educate using multiple intelligences, in order to attend to every child in the classroom. Use a valuable education, an education made with values, an education that involves feelings, not a plain education. To get to this education, we need vocation, we need passion to educate, we need to motivate all children. Fortunately, we have all that. We don’t have a magic wand, we are not wizards. But, we are magic teachers.

“Educate the mind without educating the heart, is not educating”.

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