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Gema Rivas

My name is Gema Rivas and I am a university student from Valencia, Spain. I was born in this city 21 years ago and I have always lived here. I love languages since I was little and I am going to tell you my experience with them.


I speak Spanish with my family, so it is my mother tongue and one of the official languages in my country, as well as Valencian which is official in Valencian Community. I started to learn it when I was three years old at school and that is the reason why I am bilingual. It is important to highlight that my parents have always been involved in my education, and they have encouraged me to acquire different languages and improve my level in those which I know. That is why they used to buy and read with me lots of books, which developed my passion for them and inspired me to write short stories and poems, a hobby that continues nowadays. 


I do not apply these languages in the same contexts. With my friends and family I speak Spanish as I said before. However, I use Valencian in my academic life, as well as with my university friends. But I feel comfortable with both of them, so it is not an inconvenient for me to choose one in a conversation.


Apart from these ones, I have a B2 level in English. I have been studying it since I was at Primary School, and I have continued developing it throughout the years also in academies.


Furthermore, I learnt French at the High School during four years. However, as I do not use it, I do not remember how to speak and write in this language, and I only know some words or expressions.


Nowadays, I am in the University to become an English teacher, but another of my aims is to study Special Education. In my opinion, our job requires to be always learning and adapting to the society in which we live. I want to develop myself as much as possible to know how to act with my future students according to their necessities and characteristics. For that reason, I am really interested in becoming aware of other methodologies, resources and activities which can help them to become better. I know that another education is possible, and apply it in my class is my main goal.

My Portfolio

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