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How is an AMCO class developed?

AMCO has an specific book which the teacher follows and work with children. But , first of all we are going to explain you the different parts of the book and more information that you need to knwo about AMCO methodology.

  • Start with a song

Everyday, the students start the class singing a song. Normally this song is related with the topic that they are studying in class, for example, if they are studying the sports this song will talk about sports. 

While children are singing the song they can  do whatever they want. They can stand up, dance with their classmates  or move around the class. But, the most important think is that they have to sing the song.

During AMCO's methodology students work the eight different multiple intelligences of Gardne. Due to this fact, during the song they work with the musical intelligence. 

  • Daily routine

The daily routine is used because it makes sense for children and it makes them feel confident because they know what  they are  doing and what role they are going to play. It promotes the switching process.

During the daily routine the most important thing is the role of the Mini Teacher. The Mini Teache is a student that during the begining of the class will play the role of  a teacher, he or she will ask several question to their classmates as if she or he would be a teacher. During the course all the students have to play this role at least twices. 

The daily routine can include different activities, some of them are the following ones:

  1.  Greeting.  Students can start the class singing a song. 

  2.  Roll call:  Students have to  know that when the Mini Teacher ask them questions they have to answer them.

  3.  Class rules revision: Students have to remember which are the rules of the class. Moreover they have to remember the magic words, which are  please and thank you.

  4.  Weather: The  Mini Teacher can ask her/  his classmates different questions about the weather.

  5. Warm-up: The Mini Teacher can ask the other students questions about the different topics that they have studied in class during the previous sesions. 

  6.  Checking list The Mini Teacher has to check if all her/ his classmates are in class or not.

  • Remember the roles

The  most important roles that the students have to play are the following ones.

The Mini Teacher role: Where the students have to play the role of a teacher.

The only English role: There is one student in each group that has to remember to the other members of the group that the only language that they can speack during all the lesson is English.

  • Work with the book

In this methodology students have also a book in which they have different activities such as readings, listenings, writings...​


The book that AMCO children use is called Gear Up, in it their work everything that they need to improve their skills in English.

Here you can find a brief part of the book.

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