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Rubén Rodrigo

My name is Rubén Rodrigo Juliá, a Spanish boy who is living in Alboraya, a village which is located five minutes far from Valencia. I was born the 25th of July of 1996, what explains that I am 20 now.


During my life, I have experimented different situations that have been important in order to be a teacher. Valencian community has different languages that coexists between each other. Those languages are Spanish and Valencian. Luckily, when I was born, my parents decided to talk with me in Valencian, so this could be considered as my first language. However, I have also been talking in Spanish since I attend to my Primary school sessions, so now I can say I am a native speaker in both languages.


During my childhood, my parents introduced me to different kind of English lessons, what was really useful to understand the meaning of talking a new language. That was the first time I was in contact with a foreign language, and soon I become conscious that English was my thing. My interest in English started to increase, what made me feel motivated and encouraged of knowing the language more, introducing myself to new structures, words and vocabulary that were unknown for me. Furthermore, I have some family in Ireland, what has made things easier to knew the language and put it into practice.


Nowadays, I am an active boy that has decided to study teaching. When I was at school, I asked to myself plenty of times what students means for a teacher. At that time, that was not an easy question, but since I started working with students I got the answer. I have a particular point of view about what teaching is. I have decided to be a teacher because I want my students to learn from all the experiences they have. I want them to overcome their obstacles and achieve their goals, and what is more important, I want them to manage failure with success.


Teachers have an important role in our current society. They are the nexus between knowledge and the students. Because of that, they should be able to offer principles, alternatives and solutions to the different questions and doubts that students are always suggesting. Not only as teachers we should find the best way to connect with students, we also are in charge of transmitting rules and values, orientate behaviour, manage with the distribution of the class and so on. There is no education without knowledge, but also there is no education with teachers that are ready to educate with it.


For all this reasons, and my experience as a learner, I have decided to become and English teacher, because for me there is nothing better that helping students to communicate alright and to make them feel happy while they are using the language in different environments.

My Portfolio

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