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Ana Isabel Martínez

My Portfolio

Who am I?

My name is Ana Isabel, I am 20 years old and I live in Almussafes, a Valencian speaking town. I’m from a medium-class lovely family and I am the only child of my parents. I am more than a name, I am more than a figure, I am the people that I love, I am my parents,I am Vera and I am my dead grandparents, because they are living inside of me.

I am Vera, the baby which I have taken care of since she was one year old. I am her because she has taught me how to live, how to love unconditionally and how to smile at every situation.

I am my parents because like daughter like mother, and in this case is true, in both of them. I am as sincere as they are and I am as a hard working person as they are. I have always been supposed to be their spoilt princess, or at least that was what everyone had believed. The reality is that, although it’s true that I am an only child and I have always been the everything for my parents, I have had to work hard. I am their light, and they are my source of energy when I am tired of everything. They are really proud of me because I have been the first person of my family that has been able to go to University and I am extremely gratified because they are the main motive of all my success. For instance, thanks to them I am able to have a, let’s say, good level of English. They have paid me an English academy from when I was like 8 years old till I was 18, time in which I decided to give up because I had already reached my objective, getting the C1 level. They have had to work hard to give me all I needed, and maybe I would not be able to have had a great level of English if it was not for them. Thanks to them I am passionate in English since I was little, and also passionate in teaching. That’s the reason why my main hobbies when I was little were around teaching. I loved playing with my cousins to the “teacher-students game” , in which I was obviously the teacher. My parents said it was funny to see all my male cousins, because at that time I was the only girl of my cousins, paying attention to me like I was a real professor , even though I was not. All this events in my life had lead me to choose to be an English teacher in the future. But, why? Obviously, because I love English and I have a devotion for teaching.

For me teaching is not just about transmitting knowledge, teaching is about leaving a special mark on each student, teaching is about educating from the heart, not just from books. For me, teaching is more than a word. Teaching is about believing. As Van Manen says “An educator has to believe in children”

If the future helps me out, it’s true that I will became a real teacher. A passionate educator that will try to do her bit to change the world.

“Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world” Nelson Mandela.

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