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Claudia Úbeda

Hello, my name is Claudia Úbeda. I was born on the 5th of March in 1996, which means I am 21 years old. I am from Oliva a village located in Valencia, Oliva is a place where people usually speak Valencian for that reason Valencian is my mother tongue.

I went to a public school where I loved to go because I started to learn new languages such as Spanish and English apart from Valencian. I want to say that I only had Spanish and English as a language subject, the other subjects were in Valencian this is why I am fluent in Valencian more than the others.

After that, I went to a public secondary school where I carried on my studies but especially, interested in English. Since that moment, my mum signed up for a private English academy where I could improve my skills in English. Moreover, during summers, I went to a summer English camps such as British School in Alzira or Lingualink in Denia. Also, I went to Official Language School where I could study more English and pass my degrees, this is why I am quite fluent on it and have the B2 level.

Nowadays, I am studying at the University of Valencia to be a primary teacher. Fortunately, last summer I was accepted in the English speciality so now I am studying to be a primary English teacher.

When I finish my degree, I would like to go abroad and work in a summer camp in USA where I can improve my English and at the same time work with children which is the thing that I like the most.

My Portfolio

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