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Sometimes teachers do not know how to work the ICT with children, but there are some pages that children can use and work with them at the same time that they learn.

Here we show you two websites that teachers can use with their children and they learn a lot of grammar, vocabulary, etc.

We use these games with children at school and they enjoy and learn a lot!



We find very interesting to do a kahoot. In this activity students will be able to learn and revise the vocabulary and the grammar of the topic  that they are studying during the English lessons. In order to make easier the study of this new word, the kahoot will be done in three different languages, Spanish, English and Valenciano, the three official languages of the Valencian Community. Due to this fact, students will be able to study the vocabulary in two languages more.

For example, if students are learning vocabulary related to clothes they can do a kahoot like the following one.

We want to highlight that the teacher is the person who make the questions and the answers, but if you want you can choose the different kahoots that the other teachers have made.



PowToon is an online website whose function is to create videos and animated presentations and interpret what the user introduces in its interface, reproducing itself as a caricature. The character is person speaking showing dialogs that the user has written.

This programme is very used in the school.

With this tool children can show their imagination as the same time they reate a story, write the script, and organise the story and the dialogues.

As you can see, children can learn a lot of aspects such as grammar, vocabulary, and write different types of texts using the ICT. Moreover, they bring out the best of themselves using their motivation, creativity...

The only thing that the teacher has to know is how to work with ITC.


This website aims to motivate children by using the ICT. It is full of different educative games that teachers can use to work with different aspects of this language. For instance, there are games for different ages and different topics, such as food.

If you want to see more you just have to click here: 

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