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This page is created to help teachers to work the different aspects such as the multiple intelligences, motivation, cooperative learning, etc.

Drama Play

To create a drama play inside the English classroom

Firstly, the teacher has to divide children in groups of 6. After that, she or he explains that they have to choose a story that is written or create their own story. If they choose a story which is written, they should change some aspects of the story like the end or introduce ICT...

Secondly, children have to write the script and then send it to the teacher to correct the mistakes.

Once the story is written and corrected, children have time in class to practice.


Finally, the teacher chooses a week for the students to do the play. 

Children can dress-up to do the play more real.

Here you can find the script "Aladdin" which we modified in order to contextualize it in our society.

Aladdin script
Emotional education

Watch an emotional video

Emotional learning is the process through which children acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, positive goals and maintain positive relationships moreover make responsible decisions.

Nowadays, the emotional education is one of the most important things in the school. The teachers are the managers of teaching in the right way each emotion to the children. One way of teaching this is showing a video and making a discussion and activities related to the video.

Multiple Intelligences

Work the 8 multiple intelligences of Gardner

Many educators have had the experience of not being able to reach some students until presenting the information in a completely different way or providing new options for student expression. Perhaps it was a student who struggled with writing until the teacher provided the option to create a graphic story, which blossomed into a beautiful and complex narrative. Or maybe it was a student who just couldn't seem to grasp fractions, until he created them by separating oranges into slices.

Because of these kinds of experiences, the theory of multiple intelligences resonates with many educators.

The theory of multiple intelligences challenges the idea of a single IQ, where human beings have one central "computer" where intelligence is housed. Howard Gardner, the Harvard professor who originally proposed the theory, says that there are multiple types of human intelligence, each representing different ways of processing information.

Teachers can do several activities to work the different intelligences. Here you can find one activity per intelligence that children can do in class.


Create a story with random words: for example, we can give them different vocabulary or
sentences related with the project in which we are working, or use others. The main objective is to develop their imagination and use their ability to write or tell a story with different words, even
without relation between them, but in my opinion it is a funny activity which children enjoy a lot,
because they can create whatever they want and at the same time they are learning a new language.

In the music class the teacher has to tell their   students that they have to imitate their favourite singer.  So, each student has to choose his or her favourite singer and then he or she has to sing his or her favourite song by imitating the singer. Furthermore, then the teacher will show them some rhythmic and they have to elaborate the lyrics of a song.


Play based on clues: the teacher gives to the children a chart where there are clues and another where the children have to fill in such as: the name, the age, where he or she lives… children have to read the chart with the clues given and use them to solve mathematical problems.

To do a debate: The objective of this activity is to know the different points of view that people have in class and come to an agreement.
The teacher selects the article and reads it aloud. After that, the teacher organise the class into a circle, with this organisation everybody can speak and respect each other’s points of view.


The teacher has to give to each child a map of the school in order to arrive to a specific place of the school.  Each map will have a specific place.

In this activity children have to know how to use the map and how to arrive to the different places by using it.

Tell to the rest how do they feel in a specific situation: this is connected with the assemblies, for example, if they are involved in a problem, they can tell the rest what are their feelings; also how do they feel when it is their birthday… It is very related with emotional
education, and for me is really important too, because when they are little, they do not know how to express what they feel and they have to learn how to do it to control their emotions.


Do a play. The teacher can use the play that children create and they have to perform it and share with their classmates. Doing this they can use their body and learn through physical experimentations. Moreover, the teacher could vary this activity which could be change the ending of the play and show to the rest of the class. They use the linguistic intelligence too when they are acting.

Class pet. They can know how to take care of it, what does it need, how do the pet behaves,
what is its natural environment… It can allow them with lots of knowledge about different aspects,
and it includes also responsibility.

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